Anna and Abbey smile for a picture while on their trip.
Typically, I find myself working more often than doing what I actually enjoy. Even if I’m on vacation, I work on homework or study without giving myself a chance to relax. However, this spring break was different. My friend and I decided it was time to get away from the cold, dreary Ohio weather and travel to the mystical world of Naples, Florida.
I was extremely tempted to work on homework and other responsibilities while I was on the airplane or in Florida. It can be hard to step away from something that is important to me in order to give my mind and body time to rejuvenate. I soon realized that I wanted a true break where I left my worries behind and stayed present in the moment. However, it took some convincing myself to detach from work and school.
First, I took the bare minimum amount of work in my luggage so I wouldn’t be itching to get ahead on work that was due after break. Oftentimes, I will take my book bag wh
ile traveling and spend my free time, in bed at night or on the plane, working. Although this seems like organization and preparedness (something I love to tell myself), it is my anxiety about getting things done that is taking over. Rather than enjoying my time away, I spend it engrossed in the same things I am trying to take a break from.
Since I had less work, I wasn’t caught up in it. Also, every time I thought about something I needed to do when I got back, I reminded myself that it was something I could accomplish another time. I logically knew it did not need to be done right at that moment and that allowed me to relax and unwind with my friend.
As we explored Naples, I was able to enjoy myself and feel excited rather than stressed about the activities we took part in. On the first day, we walked around and window shopped (because no college student can afford to actually shop in Naples). When we got home, we decided to watch “Severance,” which became our nightly routine throughout the vacation. The following day, we slept in and spent time at the community pool and then the beach, reading and basking in the sunshine.

We tried many different types of foods, going first to food trucks and getting an arepa. Then we got Mexican food from Los Amigos Cafe and played mini golf, completing the night with delicious ice cream. Our favorite spot was a little-known Italian restaurant called Dolce & Salato, where they gave us amazing bread, lunch and a dessert.
I had an amazing time and would not have if I had worked on homework and let myself get drawn into doing work on vacation. Instead, I actively soaked in every experience Abbey and I had, chatting and singing in the car while headed to each spot. I will continue to ensure I give myself breaks when I need them rather than overworking myself, and I recommend that to everyone.