I celebrated my half-birthday last month. I was born on Aug. 29, 2002. That means my half-birthday falls on Feb. 29, a date that only occurs every four years. So, I’m not as cool as a leap-year baby, but I still celebrate a fraction of the fun.
Well, not because it’s an excuse to party. I always use my half-birthday as a reflection point. I can look back on my first six months at 21 with a special lens on personal growth as I continue into adulthood. I can process the past and look forward to the future. I can laugh, cry, understand and enrich my perception of self.
With that being said, I’ve gathered some insights about my first six months at 21. I’ve learned and I’ve grown, which is something I can be proud of, even if I don’t necessarily feel the glory of success.
Here are my most significant takeaways:
Going out isn’t actually that fun (I could just be boring now)
Yes, this is certainly a debatable topic. Overall, I believe I’ve had my fair share of late nights and dreadful mornings, and I’ve decided that I prefer the peace and comfort of my own home more than being out and about. I’m not right, no one else is inherently wrong, it’s just what I’ve come to realize as one of my own needs: rest. Don’t get me wrong, I love to socialize, but I might like sleeping just a little bit more.
A good meal can change the trajectory of your day
I get extremely “hangry.” Most of my mood depends on what I have eaten and how long ago I was able to eat a meal. One of the most significant things I have gathered from my existence is that being mad can often be cured with a snack. Angry? Tired? Sad? I always know that sometimes this is directly related to my hunger level. At least I’m self-aware.
Watching TikTok isn’t all that bad
Yes, TikTok has a reputation for a reason. But, let’s face it, any social media platform will have its drawbacks. It’s ultimately up to the user to decide how much influence they feel from these apps. And, to no one’s surprise, we are all different people. Our viewing and posting habits will always be unique. So, now, I just take it all with a grain of salt. Yes, TikTok probably has brain-rotting elements to it. Yes, I probably don’t benefit from watching more than an hour a day. But, if I find it entertaining; I can share posts with my friends, it keeps me in the loop and I would classify myself as an avid TikTok user. Am I ashamed? Only slightly.
Life isn’t as serious as we all think
This reflection is pivotal for others, but also for my personal experiences as well. I’ve been able to release a lot of worry, tension and uncertainty by understanding that life is what we make of it. I’ve finally begun to process the fact that we are not a product of our environment as much as we are the actions that we take in the sphere we are in. Knowing that personal freedom has been extremely liberating, so I wanted to share.
These turned out to be life lessons over a 21.5-year period rather than just a six-month slot of time, but it just shows how we all have the power to create and make decisions that may not be our original plan. I hope my tidbits of information are helpful in some way 🙂