Ashley McCall ‘23 served as the Sports Editor for The Carroll News last year, and after accepting a post-graduate internship with the Buffalo Bills, she somehow ended up in my childhood bedroom.
This narrative involves unexpected friendships, an unmatched bond, and an element of trust that is unique. It seems strange to offer your home to someone you met just two years before, but for me, it was a decision that required little thought. Ashley McCall is certainly a best friend, but now, she’s my sister.

I met Ashley when I decided to join the club basketball team at John Carroll. Unsure of who Ashley was, I sent confirmation of my interest to her email, excited to play basketball in a new environment. Within the first few practices, I grew closer to Ashley, noticing that our personalities and demeanor aligned in a striking way. Sooner than later, she asked me to help her out by becoming the treasurer of club basketball because she was quite literally building this club from the ground up. Eager to be involved, I accepted her offer and we worked closely that year, trying to reform the club so that it was something memorable for our players.
And it was. Ashley worked tirelessly to schedule our first games, get us involved in a club-created fundraiser event, and build organizational awareness to increase our roster size for the upcoming year.
“Club basketball might be one of the biggest pieces I miss from John Carroll. I think just the people I have gotten used to seeing every day; it’s been hard to give that up,” summarized Ashley.
Beyond our initial club basketball friendship, Ashley introduced me to the JCU Sports Information Department, along with the ins and outs of the Sports Section in The Carroll News. Our one-year age gap meant that, once Ashley graduated, I would have all the necessary information to carry on her efforts as she took on a new position in life.
So, naturally, we spent hours together. My two years of knowing Ashley have been full of laughter, late phone calls, hugs, and genuine trust. I have never met a more capable, radiant, and amazing individual and I will forever be thankful for our friendship.
So, when I ran the idea of offering my bedroom to Ashley to my mom, I asked with an element of humor, as Ashley and I sat in the Sports Information office brainstorming some options. We didn’t expect our plan to be seamlessly adopted without question. But, my mom responded with a definite response. In fact, when I inquired about Ashley’s stay in our home, my mom texted back within seconds: “Tell her it’s 100% yes!”
“I am so grateful for the Harrigan family taking me in,” reflected Ashley.“I found out about the internship relatively late and with only a month before I had to start, I didn’t have time to drive to Buffalo to look for an apartment. I thought it was a joke at first, but then it was really happening and it truly could not have worked out better.”

And the rest, as cliche as it sounds, is history. Ashley has meshed with my family, sitting at the dinner table after a long day working for the Bills. She attends yoga classes with my brother’s girlfriend, unloads the dishwasher when the rinse cycle is finished, and pages through books that my dad recommends on our side patio.
She’s me, I’m her and she’s the sister I never had.
But, Ashley’s time at my home is more of a supplement to her actual responsibilities during her brief (hopefully extended) tenure in Buffalo. Ashley’s role with the Bills is living proof that John Carroll students continue to succeed in the world of professional sports, extending our JCU to NFL pipeline to another level.
“My best piece of advice for people looking to work in sports is to take every opportunity possible,” said Ashley. The more people you meet and make an impact and relationship with, the better off you will be; take on every task with an open mind and put yourself out there.”
Ashley’s official title is “Events and Experience Graduate Assistant” so she has done not only significant work in the Bills sector but also for events that are hosted by the facility itself.
“I love how every day I’m doing something completely different,” mentioned Ashley. “Some days I’m working 9-5 in the office, but the next day I could be working the Wing Fest from 11-9 or some other fun event. It keeps my days flying by and I’m having so much fun learning more about sports and how many events go on during the seasons, but also outside of just football.”
And for me, when I traveled home on the weekends, it was always (and still is) a sweet surprise to be welcomed by my live-in sister. We chat, we laugh and we relish our time together, thankful that we will forever have an unbreakable connection.
As I said before, this is a story of friendship and genuine trust, the realization that platonic soulmates are entirely real. I look forward to future moments with my sister, soaking up our moments as both of us pave our professional paths.
“I never thought I would get another sister since I already have two of my own, but I am so happy that Leah and I decided to trade lives for a year,” exclaimed Ashley.
“Love you, sister!”
And I love you, too, sister!