Through a Poet’s Eyes

Mar 25, 2020
The Carroll News is presenting a new feature of the Arts & Life section; Through a Poet’s Eyes. The section is looking forward to showcasing different student poets and creatives throughout the rest of the semester. As many have noticed, most major news outlets are swelling with healthcare issues, COVID-19 hysteria and fear of economic downfall. Arts & Life wants to freeze out that fear for a moment and pull some calm to the surface. This week’s feature is John Carroll sophomore and poet Samantha Trolli.
Momentarily Flowing
Freely flowing
Things stay in our mind.
Though things may be forgotten,
They never leave,
Never say goodbye.
Packing a bag,
staying with no return.
Flooding our minds, One after another
What we see is implanted,
A memory is created.
Are you still the same?
With every experience our mind changes,
Something is added.
Creating anew.
Are you still the same you?
In every moment one sees a change,
Rather it be a car moving or
A plant growing,
Moments hold change.
So, are you still the same?
Or are we ever changing?
In every moment,
becoming something new,
Something that once was
Will be again,
For things are not forgotten,
As we see them in our minds,
Freely Flowing.