Students working their way through a pandemic
As JCU students continue their working on their studies, they are simultaneously working part-time to support themselves.
Feb 25, 2021
COVID-19 has proved to be not only physically and mentally taxing, but financially taxing as well. However, students and the JCU Career Center are striving to adapt to the new normal within their on-campus careers.
“Working during a pandemic is definitely… different,” said Sarah Brown ’23, a student liaison employed by John Carroll. “I definitely miss the in-person aspects, but then again, this is the safest option.”
Students like Brown are adapting to their jobs both remotely and in-person. When Brown was employed last January, she explained that the process was very relaxed. Yet, many positions were cut at the start of the pandemic.
“Because Career Services is remote this year, we were not able to bring back our front desk student workers. However, our peer advisors and marketing Interns are working remotely,” Abigail McNutt, a graduate assistant for the Center for Career Services, said. “They took the initiative, used the resources available to them and experienced the on-campus employment application and hiring process through Handshake. While some jobs have been put on hold, there are still many available.”
While some students are excited to be back to work on campus, others are cautious about how occupations can resume in a post-pandemic world. However, the Center for Career Services assured The Carroll News that all student workers are safe in carrying out their work responsibilities.
“There is no reason to be scared to apply for work at JCU because of the pandemic,” McNutt stated. “If positions are in-person, all safety measures are in place so students can feel comfortable about working on campus. Career Services is a resource to all students to help reach professional goals and if working on campus is something that is of interest, we are here to assist with that process.”
Other students have worried that COVID-19 has created an ebb in the job market at JCU. However, there are currently plenty of positions that can be applied for in minutes.
“Positions have been available throughout the fall and spring semester and as more roles are posted, applications are flowing in rapidly,” McNutt continued. “I think that now, compared to last year at this time when the pandemic was very fresh, students and employers are comfortable with the situation we are in and have been able to accommodate remote student employment or safe in-person options.”
Brown added, “I think JCU can help students who are looking for employment due to the pandemic. There are so many on-campus job opportunities, and it seems like they are always hiring!”
Available on-campus jobs are posted on Handshake. For more information on the hiring process, visit the student employment page.