Campus Column: Comfort zones in the COVID era


Nicolette Noce, Campus Editor

Comfort zones are the best. They are the places, people and environments in which we feel most ourselves and most safe. More times than not, our comfort zones become habitual and a part of our nature.

 The question is, can we become too content within our comfort zones? Do our comfort zones inhibit us from healthy growth? It’s also possible that due to the pandemic, we have grown even deeper into our spaces and relationships where we feel the least amount of pressure.

 COVID-19 has made the most extroverted people at least a little socially withdrawn. But where do we draw the line? How do we avoid getting so comfortable in our comfort zones that we no longer feel like exploring new people and places?

 Before the pandemic, I would never pass on a social opportunity. I looked forward to going out on the weekends and was excited to meet new and interesting people. Now, I cringe at the idea of bracing the social components society offers to us. I have to mentally prepare myself for a Saturday night out. I feel like I need to coach myself before certain social interactions. I even joke that since the pandemic, I haven’t been socialized enough and use that as an excuse whenever I don’t dominate social interactions.

 I am definitely working on my newfound introverted habits. Truthfully, I want to kick them and get back to my old self. I want to be energized by social interactions. I don’t want to dread the thought of leaving my home when it could be a positive experience.

 Maybe it’s the pandemic. Maybe it’s winter, and I am in hibernation mode. Either way, I need to get out into the world despite my desire not to. Perhaps that starts small. It is up to me to figure out what comfort zones I am ready to loosen my grip on.

 I know how easy it is to fall into routines. I also know how important it is to shake things up once in awhile. When we get comfortable with the ordinary, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to explore the unknown.