JCU ranked No. 3 of top 25 colleges in Ohio regarding income in first year post-grad

Nicolette Noce, Campus Editor

John Carroll University is ranked No. 3 out of the top 25 colleges in Ohio, according to  GradReports, a college ranking platform that ranks colleges based on median alumni earnings in the year following graduation. The score is calculated by comparing the median alumni salary for each program at a university with the median alumni salary of the same program at other universities. Universities then receive an overall salary score that is the weighted average of all the programs offered at the university.

 These rankings can guide students’ decisions when it comes to enrolling in a university and choosing a major. With the data provided by GradReports, prospective students can gain a better understanding of how past alumni benefited from attending these universities. The scores also allow incoming students to choose a major based on interest as well as potential earning after graduation.

 Sarah Glass, a representative from GradReports said, “We rank colleges by our proprietary Salary Score, a powerful metric based on median alumni earnings in the year after graduating. We leveraged the reported salary data of over 4.6 million college graduates to determine Salary Scores for 2,200+ colleges and 334 majors. Your score compares alumni salaries at your school to the alumni salaries of students in the same programs across all schools, and JCU places among the top schools in Ohio.”

 A press release by Cision PRWeb stated, “Think of it [GradReports] as a predictor of earning potential and return on investment for one of the most crucial investments a student will ever make.”

 John Carroll ranked third with a score of 62.25 after the University of Dayton, scoring 73.47, and Miami University, scoring 69.32.

 According to GradReports, the top three salary-score majors offered by JCU are Accounting (salary score 91 and median salary $59,350), Biology (salary score 87 and median salary $35,060) and Marketing (salary score 85 and median salary $49,270).

 “Quite a few surprising, lesser-known colleges appear high on our rankings as well, illustrating that it’s not always the most recognized, exclusive or expensive schools that will deliver the best financial outcome. And that’s an important message we want our rankings to convey: that traditional expectations do not always match reality,” said the Cision PRWeb press release.