The life of a Type B college student
Apr 22, 2021

I wrote about personality types a few weeks ago, and I stressed that we are not one set of defining characteristics. We are the collection of experiences, genetics and quirks — these compose our personalities but also might change.
However, I think throughout my entire life, one thing has been consistent: I am very Type B.
Very Well Mind defines a Type A person as someone who is organized, competitive, ambitious and a perfectionist. Meanwhile, a Type B person is creative, easy-going, patient and, oftentimes, a procrastinator.
Aside from patience, I fit the Type B archetype perfectly.
In my elementary gym class, I did not care whether my team won in dodgeball. I was definitely not the kid taking the games as seriously as the Olympic preliminaries. In fact, it was always difficult for me to understand why people cared so much about contests.
For a while, I felt insecure about my lack of a grind mentality. I called myself lazy but did not want to change that. I prefer waiting until the day before to start an assignment because I know it will get done.
Most people who live by their planners and color coding would shudder at the way I navigate school. I think we can all agree that math is blue and English is red, but I still let my notebooks collect dust in the corner of my room. I stick to writing all my notes for each class on one, frayed-edge notebook.
My handwriting is often illegible, but I still love to write. Sometimes I think that my mind moves faster than my hand, so I write my racing thoughts down anywhere I have space.
I used to feel embarrassed by my seemingly disorganized life. I have come to realize that this is perfectly okay. We all learn and function in ways that suit us.

For me, I am most interested in homework that engages creativity. Busy work like discussion boards make me roll my eyes to the back of my head. While I still get them done, I struggle to find the purpose in it all.
If a class has a video project listed in the syllabus, my ears perk up, and I will start working on it weeks in advance. I am fulfilled most by work that interests me.
If you are a Type B person trying to navigate college, constantly bombarded by messages urging you to “grind” and take as few breaks as possible, you are not alone.
One personality type is not superior to the other; but I think that the structure of college really prioritizes those Type A personalities. People romanticize staying up late, getting ahead on studying and burning yourself out to the point of exhaustion.
I applaud those people who have such an intense drive, but I know I will forever be a procrastinator. As long as you get it done, there is nothing wrong with working at your own pace.