Which Carroll News staff member are you based on your Myers-Briggs personality type?
Laken Kincaid matches you with a Carroll News staff member based on your Myers-Briggs type.
Dec 8, 2022
From zodiac signs to John Carroll’s favorite “Gallup Strengths Assessment,” personality tests are all the rage for young adults. In fact, The New Yorker reports that there are currently over 2,000 personality tests on the market and that 80% of Fortune 500 companies use personality tests for hiring and promotional purposes.
Yet, these quick quizzes are not only used in the capital sphere; some personal statistics can often be beneficial during such a pivotal time in one’s personal development like college where self-identity seems to always be up in the air. Internal assessments and reviews can undoubtedly help someone better understand themselves. Despite the gargantuan number of evaluations available, one test seems to tower above the rest: the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).
According to the Myers and Briggs Foundation, the MBTI asserts that “much seemingly random variation in behavior is actually quite orderly and consistent due to basic differences in the ways individuals prefer to use their perception and judgment.” The comprehensive assessment looks at a person’s how they receive their energy (extroversion or introversion), how a person processes information (sensing or intuition), how a person makes decisions (thinking or feeling) and what structure a person likes to follow in their daily life (judging or perceiving).
While there are debates both for and against not only the MBTI but personality tests as a whole, it can still be advantageous to examine how one may present to others and react to the environment around them regardless of the broader scientific implications. Read below to discover which Carroll News staff member you are based on your MBTI results. Since TCN did not have access to the formal MBTI psychological instrument, we used the 16Personalities website.
ISTJ (The Logistician) – Faculty Adviser John McMurray

Like John, you are introverted, sensing, thinking and judging. You tend to be direct, decisive, responsible and organized. However, you may also come across as reserved and anxious. Your personality type makes up 9% of the population including figures like Jeff Bezos, Natalie Portman and Queen Elizabeth II.
ISFJ (The Defender) – Staff Reporter Evan Richwalsky
Like Evan, you are introverted, sensing, feeling and judging. You tend to be friendly, optimistic, perceptive and consistent. However, you may also come across as sensitive or as a pushover. Your personality type makes up 12% of the population including figures like Anthony Hopkins, Rosa Parks and Christopher Walken
INFJ (The Advocate) – Arts & Life Editor Claire Schuppel
Like Claire, you are introverted, intuitive, feeling and judging. You tend to be warm, creative, nurturing and patient. However, you may also come across as conflict avoidant and private. Your personality type makes up 1% of the population including figures like Cate Blanchett, Edward Norton and Mahatma Gandhi.
INTJ (The Architect) – Multimedia Editor TJ Lindstrom
Like TJ, you are introverted, intuitive, thinking and judging. You tend to be strategic, innovative, analytical and adaptable. However, you may also come across as condescending or impatient. Your personality type makes up 2.9% of the population including figures like Elon Musk, Jodie Foster and Hillary Clinton.
ISTP (The Virtuoso) – Editor-in-Chief Nick Sack
Like Nick, you are introverted, sensing, thinking and perceiving. You tend to be observant, open minded, intelligent and resourceful. However, you may also come across as stubborn or insensitive. Your personality type makes up 3.1% of the population including figures like Anna Kendrick, Harrison Ford and Steve Jobs.
ISFP (The Adventurer) – World Editor Patrick Kane
Like Patrick, you are introverted, sensing, feeling and perceiving. You tend to be imaginative, trusting, flexible and naturally curious. However, you may also come across as easily stressed or averse to criticism. Your personality type makes up 6% of the population including figures like Mick Jagger, Sofia Coppola and Jonathan Ive.
INFP (The Mediator )– Social Media Manager Corinne McDevitt

Like Corinne, you are introverted, intuitive, feeling and perceiving. You tend to be generous, empathetic, passionate and idealistic. However, you may also come across as unrealistic and unfocused. Your personality type makes up 7% of the population including figures like John Mayer, William Shakespeare and Jude Law.
INTP (The Logician) – Campus Editor Sophia Gillianza
Like Sophia, you are introverted, intuitive, thinking and perceiving. You are pioneering, self improving, rational and think in a complex manner. However, you may also come across as critical and brutally honest. Your personality type makes up 4% of the population including figures like Tina Fey, Albert Einstein and Jimmy Wales
ESTP (The Entrepreneur) – Copy Editor Sarah Foster
Like Sarah, you are extraverted, sensing, thinking and perceiving. You are spontaneous, charismatic and sociable. However, you may also come across as unstructured and defiant. Your personality makes up 2.8% of the population including figures like Alfred Hitchcock, Meryl Streep and Madonna.
ESFP (The Entertainer) – Campus Editor Grace Sherban
Like Grace, you are extraverted, sensing, feeling and perceiving. You are original, present focused, fun loving and outgoing. However, you may come across as ignorant and easily bored. Your personality makes up 5% of the population including figures like Marilyn Monroe, Beyonce and Cameron Diaz.
ENFP (The Campaigner) – Staff Reporter Colin Moorhead II
Like Colin, you are extraverted, intuitive, feeling and perceiving. You are quick witted, an excellent communicator, independent and a galvanizer. However, you may come across as restless and overly accommodating. Your personality makes up 7% of the population including figures like Robin Williams, Walt Disney and Robert Downey Jr.
ENTP (The Debater) – Opinion Editor Eric Fogle
Like Eric, you are extraverted, intuitive, thinking and perceiving. You are knowledgeable, an excellent brainstormer, influential and inspiring. However, you may come across as argumentative and intolerant. Your personality makes up 3.6% of the population including figures like Mark Twain, Barack Obama and Amy Poehler.
ESTJ (The Executive) – Sports Editor Ashley McCall

Like Ashley, you are extraverted, sensing, thinking and judging. You are dedicated, honest, loyal and orderly. However, you may come across as inflexible and unemotional. Your personality makes up 7% of the population including figures like Judge Judy, Emma Watson and George W. Bush.
ESFJ (The Consul) – Copy Editor Alissa Van Dress
Like Alissa, you are extraverted, sensing, feeling and judging. You are inviting, bubbly, thorough and motivated. However, you may come across as worrisome and needy. Your personality makes up 9% of the population including figures like Hugh Jackman, Taylor Swift and Bill Clinton.
ENFJ (The Protagonist) – Staff Reporter Leah Harrigan
Like Leah, you are extraverted, intuitive, feeling and judging. You are receptive, altruistic, trustworthy and genuine. However, you may come across as overly empathetic and intense. Your personality makes up 2% of the population including figures like Oprah Winfrey, Nelson Mandela and Bono.
ENTJ (The Commander) – Managing Editor Laken Kincaid
Like Laken, you are extraverted, intuitive, thinking and judging. You are efficient, strong willed, confident and a natural leader. However, you may come across as cold and dominant. Your personality makes up 2.2% of the population including figures like Bill Gates, Gordon Ramsey and Franklin D. Roosevelt.