Head-to-Head: Astrology IS real

Laken Kincaid

Managing Editor, Laken Kincaid, argues that astrology is actually real.

Laken Kincaid, Managing Editor

This column is part of a “Head-to-Head” series. Read the counterargument by Patrick Kane.

Before I begin, I would like to establish that this debate is between a Pisces sun (yours truly) and a Capricorn sun (Patrick). Just like with most earth signs, I am sure Patrick’s portion of this head-to-head will be encapsulated by rhetoric that reflects on what realistic science looks like and facts that will try to eclipse even a hint of legitimacy behind astrology. In contrast, this piece will reflect my own Piscean nature and express the importance of dreaming outside of the black and white norms that scholarly sources and academia demands. While knowledge and grounding in reality is important, I believe it is just as important to explore the unknown or disputed along with the proven and tried.

However, that is the crucial difference between earth signs and water signs; we look at the world with a slightly different lens with no view being better than the other. When it comes to writing hard-hitting news and analyzing the world at hand, there is no one better than a person who fits the traditional earth sign archetype. Yet, this article is not either of those things; it is an exploration into the idea of what the words “real” and “unreal” mean which is perfect for the whimsical Pisces to uncover.

Albeit I know that if I only appeal to my fellow friends guided by Neptune I will be leaving out 11 other signs on the zodiac wheel. So, I will cater my approach to satisfy the needs of every reader and not just those born under the same sun as I am.

The first way to do that is to establish the cold, hard truth. According to lifestyle magazine Your Tango, “there isn’t a single piece of evidence that scientifically proves astrology isn’t real.” If anything, Psychology Today confirmed that there is a correlation between one’s personality and their birth months. For example, those born in the later summer and early fall months are shown to be more bold and fiery because they are typically the oldest of their academic class. By studying the cycle of the planets and the placement of certain planets at the time of one’s birth, it is undeniable that celestial bodies are in very distinct locations that differ greatly from person to person.

Zodiac signs often brush up against the argument that the craft is too new to be considered legitimate. Yet, the practice of astrology is also very ancient as it dates back to before the empires of Greece and Rome. The Zodiac signs were first used by the ancient Egyptians and stayed relevant all the way until the modern era. If anything, modernity has spoiled this practice by grouping it with the idea of soothsaying or fortune telling which is an entirely germane process. 

If we look at astrology through the true optics that it was meant to be examined through, we see it as the general study of how celestial bodies impact our day-to-day life. This should not seem outlandish since the moon is known to influence tidal waves and our own circadian rhythms. Galactic events on other planets including massive bodies like the Sun also impact Earth through temperature changes and weather patterns. It does not seem too far off to think that we, as residents of this planet who are strapped in for the long haul, will also be impacted by our solar system. Do medical workers not dread working during a full moon because of the superstitions around it?

Also, when we look at the definition of the word “real,” we see that astrology very much fits within these bounds. Oxford Dictionary classifies something as real if it is “existing or occurring as fact.” While the argument on the subject’s validity could be more intense, the idea that astrology is real cannot be disputed. Even if you do not believe in it, the zodiac wheel is still very much tangible especially with the ancient practices backing it. Although you may not think you are influenced by your sign, the material still exists outside of your disregard and others will still treat the idea like gold. The fact that people will still follow and praise astrology makes it real in and of itself just like with any other foregone faith practices; its impacts just may be up for debate. 

Finally, under this definition of real, I ask one simple question: why belittle someone for doing something harmless that they enjoy? Using the same logic that I constructed during my head-to-head argument on the validity of political science as a STEM field, I believe that others should not have their intelligence scrutinized for enjoying a practice that has no negative impacts on their environment. If it brings me joy to refer to myself as a Pisces sun, why spoil my fun?

Then again, I am much more than a Pisces sun. I am also a Gemini moon and a Libra rising, signs that shape my wit and approach to others. These placements are not the same for every single person; we are each influenced by a unique combination of 12 separate signs and approximately 10 celestial bodies that cannot be universally applied to everyone born within a certain time of year.

I know one of the larger gripes that people have with astrology is that they feel confined by the stereotypes their sun sign lays upon them, making them bitter towards their own self-categorization. If you find yourself angry at the idea of zodiac signs because you dislike how your own placement reflects on your personality, I suggest taking a deeper dive into your natal chart to uncover how other planets influence your life before dismissing the idea in its entirety.