The John Carroll Student Government held its 105th annual inauguration on Jan. 15, reminiscing on the past year while looking ahead to the new term and leadership. Naomi Sigg, vice president of Student Experience and Campus Belonging, began the ceremony,
“I have the privilege here today to both thank the outgoing individuals and those of you who will be inaugurated. All of you have been entrusted with the responsibility of representing your peers, building a community and serving as a bridge between the students and the administration.”
Throughout the ceremony, the themes of service and determination cultivated themes for the new incoming senators and graduating individuals. Highlighted at the event was outgoing President, Morgan Anderson ’25 who Sigg said “fostered a relationship with pride and commitment that made every member engaged and valued.”
During the inauguration, Sigg presented Anderson with two challenge coins. One of the coins is a JCU challenge coin that says, “Men and women for others.” The second was the JCU Excellence coin that was given for “tremendous service.”
With that, under the leadership of Anderson and outgoing Vice President Mike White ’25, increasing transparency, improving campus security and wellness and enhancing student life to foster belonging were the three main goals.. Some efforts toward improved transparency of Student Government include the Meet the Candidates forum and weekly senate guests. White and Anderson also formed a New Student Advisory Council to engage the new, transfer and incoming students.
Many students met with faculty and staff regularly to discuss and inform others of new information. “We affirmed that belief of having students at the table when decisions are being made is the first step in ensuring effective results for the student body,” said Anderson. A strengthened relationship was formed between JCU PD on parking, emergency response and the coffee with a cop initiative. Other parts that were integrated included sharing and guiding information on opioid and substance abuse.
Pride and spirit events were also being brought onto campus with Unity Night along with the Student Organization Awards. Lobo the wolf was also brought back. Soon after, all members were sworn into office and President-elect Ryan Moore ’26 introduced excitement and ideas for the next term. Moore said, “I am excited and thankful for the leaders of the past and leaders of the future. It will all be great. One of my plans is to look at student minimum wage. I can not control it, but it will be a committee that looks at not only Ohio minimum wage but other colleges and universities as well.”
Mike Noonan, vice president-elect, stated, “I am humbly excited to step into the Vice Presidency. I am grateful for the opportunity to represent our student body. This role allows me to learn, grow and create positive change on campus. I understand the great responsibility associated
with this role, and I’m ready to support the Executive Board and Senators and
address student concerns. I will strive to live as a ‘man-for-others,’ serving the student body through my love of Christ.”