Head-to-Head: Christmas time starts after Halloween
Managing Editor, Laken Kincaid, defends Halloween as the beginning of Christmas season
Nov 19, 2022
Because we are past Oct. 31, I can officially say it is, as premier Christmas vocalist Andy Williams would say, “the most wonderful time of the year!” While Halloween will always have my heart as the best holiday on the Gregorian Calendar, I cannot help but feel a tiny bit of warmth as stores fill with pine needle ridden décor and I simultaneously begin to get ads for the ASPCA with “Silent Night” playing in the background.
It is time to drink hot chocolate, sing carols and mourn James Caan while rewatching “Elf” for the first time since his passing. That ritual is how I plan on spending my autumnal bleeding into wintry nights from here until Dec. 25, and I implore you to join me in this endeavor.
However, I know there are some who will say that it is not yet time to hear jingle bells or to hope for all things merry and bright until after what I lovingly call the prequel to holiday season: Thanksgiving. Other synonyms for Thanksgiving which I will entertain include Diet Christmas, the capitalist transition day, or even the embodiment of “The Nightmare Before Christmas” since Thanksgiving truly is just the middle point between two monolithic parties.
Perhaps my views on the American day of stuffed birds and cheek kisses from grandparents have been tainted after I was forced to eat only mashed potatoes and gravy for two weeks after wisdom teeth surgery the day before gathering around the table. Regardless, I think Thanksgiving is severely overrated, so overrated that I should not be scrutinized for enjoying Christmas before the end of November.
There are multiple reasons behind my consensus, many of them selfish and deeply personal. Yet, they are also unyielding and I do not see them changing in the future.
First, I only see Thanksgiving as a stepping stone to Christmas. For example, Santa Claus, Christmas songs and The Rockettes are all staple Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. While I do enjoy and anticipate the annual national dog show each year, all of the other events of the day just seem to be an advertisement for December, an advent calendar preparing for the actual holiday a few weeks later. Thanksgiving just seems to be a warm up for Christmas because everyone does the same exact thing twice within the span of a month. just without a sparkly tree with presents under it or a funny bearded mascot; you eat an outrageous amount of food with family and try to avoid any discussions politically motivated or about your personal life.
To be honest, I do not see the appeal in a huge dinner either. As a newborn vegetarian, I know I will only be eating pie while my aunt prods me to indulge in some ham and stuffing. I suppose the desserts are a plus but I can go to Bob Evans and get the same food at any time of the year.
I cannot help but look at the historic roots of Thanksgiving. Every person with access to Google and a modern history textbook knows the proposed premise of pilgrims and natives cutting turkey together like The Grinch with the pivotal roast beast is completely false. The Europeans pillaged, plundered and nearly died out themselves from a harsh winter after their migration to the states. Between scrounging for warmth and taking land through bloodshed, there was no time to sing kumbaya, especially not with any of the tribes who they were at a constant war with.
I am sure the debate over Christopher Columbus and smallpox blankets in the media gives you a general idea of how I stand. I do not want to continue any positive association that people may have with a day that should be associated with the start of genocide. If your argument is that the new age purpose of Thanksgiving revolves around football and good feelings, I believe that you are trying to cover up this imperative part of history.
Finally , no one should have the right to spoil the fun of those wanting to jump ahead a month to what they are excited about. Who cares if I am pumped for Christmas when it does no harm to anyone? If it makes me happy to stuff my stockings and hum along to Mariah Carey, why should anyone else care? I am not stopping you from relishing in your fall fling so no harm is caused in the long run.
I think those on the pro-Thanksgiving team tend to angrily push the special day down my throat when I just want to enjoy my pumpkin roll and ride into the coming holly jolly season in a one-horse open sleigh. Do not get me wrong, you can enjoy any holiday you want! However, I should also be allowed to avoid the same festivities if I so choose.
So, take your turkey trots and autumn foliage and revel! However, do not belittle me for wearing my ugly sweaters and enjoying some Rankin Bass films by a fireplace before Black Friday.