For college students, buying a new computer or clothes can be daunting, especially if you spent all winter break going out on various adventures with your family and friends. If your bank account is looking extremely sad, “UNiDAYS” could be a good money-saver in this time of crisis.
“UNiDAYS” is a free website that searches for student deals for undergraduates and graduate students so you can save money and time while searching for discounts. All you have to do is sign up and confirm that you are in fact a college student, and then you are free to search the website for deals under all of your favorite brands.
“UNiDAYS” is also an app, and while you are on the go, you can use your membership card with “UNiDAYS” if you forget your student ID card at home. You can simply show it to the retailer, and if they have a student discount, your “UNiDAYS” account will be your verification. As long as you are older than 16 years old and studying in the U.S., you are able to use “UNiDAYS” for all of your student discount needs.
Currently, for select products, students are able to get 40% off on HP products, including certain gaming accessories. This is a great opportunity for students who need to refurbish their electronics before the fall 2024 semester. If you plan to get an apartment off of campus next year, there are many Samsung appliances that are almost $1,000 off per product. If you are looking to add to your winter (or summer) wardrobe, there is 50% off of Ray-Bans and 20% off of American Eagle online as well.
You do have to be careful with some of the discounts because they might not all be as wonderful as they seem. Some discounts are only on select products and can be less than expected. The Better Business Bureau rated “UNiDAYS” with a “F” and stated that it is not an accredited business. There were complaints that claimed there was no way to access their free awards for purchases or their account login was not functioning.
Additionally, there are certain shops and restaurants that are not included on the app, so there is a chance that there are no student discounts, or you might have to search those select options on your own to find possible deals. For example, there is no student discount offered for Paramount Plus on “UNiDAYS,” but when searching for discounts on Google, Paramount Plus offers 25% off for students. However, most of the offers on the website are fairly transparent and tend to be site-wide. Whether they work or not seems to vary according to the user.
Overall, the point of “UNiDAYS” is to give students the opportunity to spend at least a bit less money than they might have if they had not used the website or app. If you have yet to try a website or app, it could be an opportunity to keep a little extra money in your pocket while also enjoying some of your favorite shops and restaurants all the same.